Skill & Sunlight Patch 0.78

This February brings Damnation City of Death a new patch including improved skill system and more sunlight. Check detailed notes below. Sunlight & Color correction Damnation City of Death now supports sunray effect to bring more life and light into the city.The applied color correction transforms the colors for making…
New Year Patch
Development news
Gas cloud update 0.74

Patch notes for version 0.74 Gas clouds Gas clouds are now dynamically scaled. Amount of gas clouds is also increased. World edges have been updated to have permanent deadly gas. Other items Weapons don’t now disappear when swapping them with full inventory. AK-47 reload animation updated. Zombie death sounds updated….
New zombies!

New Zombies Replaced the old zombies with brand new zombies. There are now also slower zombies, which will behave differently than normal zombies. Enemy AI Navigation improved for all enemies. New hit and fall mechanims for them. Enemies now react to the force of your weapon. Enemies are now correctly…
0.70 update

Player Player gun animations updated. Player crouch animations are now correctly synced. Player walk sounds now work properly. Added a player menu pistol animation. Gun swapping is now animated and it takes time. Enemy Enemies now stay less far away from player. Giant alien fix for being invisible after unity…